Despite the general vibe of a trip to Sephora, good skincare products do not need to be expensive. In fact, your office bathroom might already have them … just above the place dozens of people poop!
Yes, wax paper toilet seat covers currently have a score of 4.6/5 on the “Misc Beauty Tools” section of MakeupAlley, the mother of all beauty review websites. Why? People use them as blotting papers for oily skin and love them.
If your office is blessed with toilet seat covers (despite evidence that they're useless to stave off disease), you can even get them for free.
Friends, 83 percent of reviewers would repurchase for $0. This is the real deal.
Image: MakeupAlley
“It's kinda gross where they come from,” writes one reviewer, “but these are great for oil blotting and FREE!! I cut some up and put them in an empty travel size J&J [Johnson & Johnson] First Aid plastic box and keep it in my purse.”
A reusable box is way better than the flimsy paper envelopes most blotting papers come in, honestly.
OK, yes, it is kind of gross where they come from, but the odds of your face coming into contact with toilet germs is extremely low. Think about it: people using the bathroom are unlikely to touch any other seat covers besides the one they're using the dispensers are designed that way.
In case you value celebrity endorsements, Sarah Jessica Parker loves to blot with toilet seat covers, reportedly just sticking her whole face on there. (This is the easiest and fastest way to do it, by the way.)
In case you value my endorsement, I just went to the Mashable office bathroom and stuck a toilet paper cover on my face. One person did see me, but I wouldn't necessarily say it was awkward. And now my face is indeed less oily, just as if I'd used blotting paper even on this muggy summer's day. I didn't even have to take my dumb purse to the bathroom with me.
One final point: blotting paper at Sephora runs $8 for 100 sheets. Imagine paying that when you already have it right under your butt! (Do not use anything that has been under your butt.)
Would recommend!
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